Shade Flowers Deer Hate
It’s a tall beautiful yellow bush like flower that hummingbirds absolutely adore and deer hate. It is not just a sight to behold; 15 Beautiful Deer Resistant Shade Plants To Grow In Your Although locally sold alongside annuals, with a protective layer of mulch snapdragons often make return appearances. Shade flowers deer hate . First, of course, it is deer resistant. It gets pretty flowers that attract and hummingbirds and other pollinators. Deer often feel safe in pursuing a snack on plants at the end of driveways or lining a sidewalk. This shade shrub is incredibly fragrant but only smells good to humans. You should also consider kirengoshoma i think it’s called or more commonly “wax bells”? Decorative gardens often take the brunt of deer pressure. Use it in a foundation planting or shrub border. Most importantly, deer hate this for being foliage plants. They thrive in the shade, produce beautiful blooms, some species have amazing variegated foliage, they’re resi...